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Center for Gene Therapy of Cystic Fibrosis
Instructions for Pilot Grant Applications
The final pilot grant proposal is due on September 1, 2023. The proposal should follow the guidelines for NIH grants and include a Face Page, and Key Personnel, Detailed First Year Budget, Second Year Budget, combined Biosketch and Other Support pages. Forms may be found on the “Pilot Grant Application Forms” page of the Gene Therapy Center website under Pilot Program Grant Forms or by contacting Mary Beckler ( The exception to NIH guidelines is that the Specific Aims, Background and Research Plan are limited to a total of 5 single-spaced pages. Original figures may be placed in an appendix if not clearly legible in the text. Pilot grants, with budgets of up to $65,000 annually, are funded for one or two years and will have a start date of 04/01/2024.
Submission of Proposals:
Please send the entire proposal by September 15, 2023 to:
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
51 Newton Road, 1-400D BSB
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Telephone: 319-467-8908
Mary Beckler, Center Coordinator